During my recent interview, i was asked to design the flow of 5 parallel calls and returning the first response that i will get from any of those 5 different calls. I was aware that for parallel calls i will have to somehow use a Future. But the requirement of getting the first response from any of them and returning it as the answer confused me.

Future has been around since a long time now. Even Completable Future has been present since Java 8.

We need to use the anyOf() method to return the first response from the list of futures.

I am sharing my findings below. If you have a better solution please provide your inputs in the comments sections.

An Example where we are calling 4 different Calls and returning the first response that we receive from any of these calls.
Please note this is not a working example, this is a sample code to give you a high level idea.
//Here we create 4 Sample Futures
CompletableFuture<SearchResponse> aggregatorFuture1 = new CompletableFuture<>().supplyAsync(aggregator1.getSearchResult(request));
CompletableFuture<SearchResponse> aggregatorFuture2 = new CompletableFuture<>().supplyAsync(aggregator2.getSearchResult(request));
CompletableFuture<SearchResponse> aggregatorFuture3 = new CompletableFuture<>().supplyAsync(aggregator3.getSearchResult(request));
CompletableFuture<SearchResponse> aggregatorFuture4 = new CompletableFuture<>().supplyAsync(aggregator4.getSearchResult(request));
//Create the List of Above 4 Futures
List<CompletableFuture<String>> aggregatorFuturesList = Arrays.asList(aggregatorFuture1,aggregatorFuture2, aggregatorFuture3, aggregatorFuture4);
//Creating a new Future and using the anyOf() method which uses the list of futures
// that will Returing the first response from any of the 4 futures above
SearchResponse response = CompletableFuture.anyOf(aggregatorFuturesList)
.thenApply(r -> {
if (r instanceof SearchResponse) {
return (SearchResponse) r; //We need to type cast the response as well.
throw new Exception("Response type is not of SearchResponse!");

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